Reminder: Scuba Club Meeting, 7:00 PM, Wednesday 3 March.

Reminder that we will have our monthly meeting at Laurel Manor Rec Ctr this Wednesday at 7:00 PM. This month, we will also hold our Annual Club Officers Election. As of now, the slate of Officers is the current leadership:

President- Mike Blatti
Vice-President- Madeline Helbock
Secretary- Warren Gross
Treasurer- Mike Gann

If anyone is interested in standing for election, we would like for them to let us know before the meeting. There will also be the possibility of announcing at the meeting, but we strongly recommend early contact if you are interested.

Otherwise, we will discussing upcoming activities, providing a short presentation on the new Webpage and a longer one on Venice diving.

Scuba Club Meeting – Wednesday, 3 Feb

Reminder that our next meeting is this Wednesday, 3 Feb at Lauel Manor Rec Ctr at 7:00 PM. The room arrangement will be set up to accommodate Social Distancing. Please plan on wearing your “Medical” Face Mask for the duration of the meeting. I will bring some donated equipment for distribution. Meeting topics will relate to new Mask Prep and to Nitrogen effects when diving. C’mon out and join us to discuss current and upcoming activities.

March Election. Also, remember we will be electing Club Officers at the March meeting. If you wish to stand for election, be ready to let us know before the March meeting.

Mike Blatti (937) 269-8506

Kyalami Charters (Jupiter Scuba Diving) February Special

As I noted in 10 Feb dive post, Kyalami Charters is putting together a special price which further reduces the club $10 discount to a $20 discount. The normal 2-Tank price is $95. The current club discount is $85. The February Special reduces this to $75. It works as follows:

  • $75.00 for all 2-Tank dives IN February.
  • $75.00 for all 2-Tank dives booked, and paid for, IN February for dives later in the year.
  • This includes the 5-Trip and 10 Trip Packages:
    • 5-Trip Package- $375.00
    • 10-Trip Package- $750.00

Check out our planned dates for Feb, Mar, April and beyond if you want to book dives in Feb to save $20 on each trip or just buy a multi-trip package to allow you to decide on later trip dates.

Kyalami POC is Bill Cox (561) 814-3483.